Mastercard Paypass Logo. Having Mastercard logo as a SVG document you can drop it anywhere, scaling on the fly to whatever size it needs to be without incurring pixelation and loss of detail or taking up too much bandwidth. Download the vector logo of the Mastercard PayPass brand designed by Mastercard in Adobe® Illustrator® format.

Simply tap your MasterCard PayPass on the reader at checkout.
Having Mastercard logo as a SVG document you can drop it anywhere, scaling on the fly to whatever size it needs to be without incurring pixelation and loss of detail or taking up too much bandwidth.
Download the vector logo of the Mastercard PayPass brand designed by Mastercard in Adobe® Illustrator® format. Downloading Mastercard PayPass™ file vector logo you agree to abide to our terms of use. PayPass-enabled cards look similar to standard MasterCard and Maestro cards, except that they include the PayPass identifier and, as is true for all chip cards, a shorter signature panel on the back.
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